A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Dawnfolk feels familiar, yet unlike any building strategy games you've played before. Unwind and play with ease, whether at home or on the go, with your gamepad, keyboard or handheld console. Dawnfolk won't hold your hand through endless tutorials or convoluted menus - you can dive right in and start building. Go back to the roots of gaming, where exploration and experimentation were the key to fun and discovery.

Build to survive, thrive, or relax - the choice is yours. Experience the game on both macro and micro levels, as you oversee the management of your structures and resources, while also immersing yourself in mini arcade games to collect resources. Explore the world and story as you reshape it - your choices will determine the fate of your realm and its inhabitants.

In Dawnfolk, you can collect and harvest resources yourself by playing exciting arcade games. The better you play, the more resources you'll get to build your city. This adds a new level of excitement and surprise to the game, while also providing a welcome "brain break" from city management.

While still playable with a keyboard, Dawnfolk has been designed to be played with a game pad or handheld console. My favorite spot to play is in bed, what's yours?

Did you already give up on a game because you needed to book at least 2 or 3 hours to play it? Or because you completely forgot where you were at one week later? It's not gonna happen here - each level is between 30 to 60 minutes long, you don't have to remember anything next time you play!

Choose the game mode that fits your play style or customize the gameplay parameters yourself.

Are you done with endless tutorials with blob of text to explain you each and every thing? Dawnfolk is simple to play with a very minimal interface. Experiment and understand by yourself. Explore the gameplay elements the same way you will explore this mysterious world.

Depending on your buildings, small sub-stories will emerge. Their outcome depends of your choices and will directly affect your city and resources. Will you be a kind and benevolent ruler, or will you be pragmatic and ruthless to ensure your survival? The fate of your people is in your hands.

Decades ago, titanic obsidian monoliths rained down from the sky. A raging tempest of unfathomable darkness gathered around them, slowly crawling across the world and consuming all in its path. You are the ruler of this land, once mighty and resolute, now broken and wounded, but not defeated. You will reclaim the realm and bring back light to the world. After years of wander, you finally found the Lueur, a mystical creature able to radiate a powerful enough brightness to dissipate darkness. It is time to explore the shadows and rebuild your realm.


You can find the press kit here.


DEMO Dawnfolk 460 MB

Development log


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very fun and addictive! can't wait for full release. side note, the look of the home screen is fun.

Thank you very much!

Hmm, wasn't there an Android version before? :)

Thanks for the question! There was, but I removed it since there is no touch controls yet and a lot of players were asking for it (instead of gamepad). But I think I'll put it back in the next update!

By the way, do you already have an idea for touch control? (I don't think the virtual gamepad is a good idea either.)

I did not think about it yet. I designed the game to be played with a gamepad so there's really nothing implemented for mouse or touch control. Virtual gamepad is less than ideal yes.

In the first round, perhaps the simplest would be a semi-gamepad:

Thanks for the suggestion!


How can i play this game on nintendo switch? I cant find it in eshop.


The game is not released on Nintendo switch yet!

I tried the game on several devices. On desktop it works well with a keyboard, on Android it works well with a bluetooth controller, but on Android TV it does not respond to the same controller (it works in the smartbox menus, but not in the game). Maybe it's because several bluetooth devices are connected (it responds to the remote control, for example)? Couldn't there be a screen at the beginning of the game saying "press a button on the controller you want to use" (I've seen such a solution in other games), I don't think it's that difficult to program this (although I don't know Godot in depth).

Otherwise the game is great, 5/5. :)

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Thank you so much for testing that out everywhere! Actually since the game is single player, I changed the code so that any controller connected can play. This way, no problem! (but be sure no one has one of the controllers hidden away to make jokes on you...) It should be in the next demo version very soon.

I look forward to it!

By the way, do you plan to publish the Android version on the Play Store (with achievements, etc.) ?

I am really not sure to be honest! It will depend if I have time to make a version of the game working with the mouse/touch pad. I could also just add a virtual gamepad but that's not what android players usually expect.

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Simple and cute, the demo kept me hooked until I beat it!

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!